Wpapp is the WP Admin “Posts” page. Wpapp1 is the first page and by far the most precious page. How can we improve it?
- show [199<-999] bposts on Wpapp1
- use longer bpost tiles .. so as to /pack/ more content into each list item on Wpapp
- use more tags .. but too many tags on one bpost may “bulge” to 5 rows. May need to (re AdminColumn) widen the tags column
— search on Wpapp1 +!searchBox .. is a technique proven over the years.
The bpost must 1) have a memorable title[2] and 2) post-dated into “recent history” (rather than pushed to the 2nd page). Under these /perfectConditions/, I can keyboard-search and find it without the (inferior) SearchBox.
After the search, am still on WPAPP1 ! This last point is signficant and explains why I tend to avoid the SearchBox subconsciously for years. It also explains why I don’t prefer the Sticky/Draft links or 0project_tag. The WPAPP is precious.
[2] if you can only remember some memorble words in the _content_ of a bpost, then you must use the SearchBox, and exit Wpapp1.
If a bpost is searchable on Wpapp1, then it need not occupy top 10 slots, and can be #55 on Wpapp
— place holders .. should be reachable [3] without searchBox, but should not take up too much precious real estate on Wpapp1.
Outside top 20, but repeatedly available within first page i.e. top N (configurable)
[3] If not reachable, then when I need to (quickly) create a bpost I would end up using the default New button.