[21] lowEnergy months: sleep, workout-fatigue


I discussed this problem with Dr Lau at Icon and Dr Lee at Healthway TPY. Many people dismiss these discussion as unnecessary, but I actually appreciate commonsense discussions. They uncover and spotlight various commonsense.

Sometimes this low-energy becomes an Urgent-n-Important problem (Quadrant-ICU), which is the focus of this blogpost. “Low energy” is Trump’s /diss/ on Jeb Bush, but here I mean something simpler — I feel a reluctance to put in any “effort”.

During my covid quarantine, I felt low energy, for none of these reasons.

Cause AA: I think sleep is a (major or minor) factor in 50% of these ICU cases.

BB: invisible stress (Dr Lau). Incredibly vague 🙂 A Suggestion discussed with Dr Lee of Healthway TPY: make more time for self-care including 1) quiet hours in solitude, and

2) gentle, enjoyable exercise such as jogging, cycling, or group classes. I would be very lucky  if I can find myself keen to enjoy one of these, even though they are the easier workouts.

Most people in my cohort seem to dread most exercises. Some individuals may enjoy a few, but it’s not common. The common reasons are too much to discuss in this blogpost, but I would point out a few — initial hurdle / lack of positive feedback,,,,, spare-time priority,,,,, lack of “really really free” timeslots [with tiny timeslots, we need to learn and sprinkle mini-workouts throughout the day].

— CC: (R.Teo) exercise-fatigue .. such as. chin-up x 100, jump-rope

Excessive workout? All my life, workout feels very different from physical labor and only reduces stress while increasing vitality and confidence.

However, I discussed with R.Teo in CompassOne. One can get emotionally turned off with too many movies, sex, sight-seeing .. or workout. In such a /saturation/ situation, we won’t look forward to the workout. The prospect of daily workout would look dreary, boring. High amount of workout can cause mental fatigue, despite the boost in mental energy and self-confidence. This is a pattern in many individuals.

Similarly, a lot of active learning can increase your brain capacity but also wear you down. Burn-out (mental fatigue) is actually contrary to my perception “memory is a muscle”.

Similarly, lots of musical instrument practice can have both effects .. can lead to fatigue.