power surge?
ROTI priorities:
- set up python code for boy
- Motorola speaker phone .. shopping, testing, DIY cradle set-up
- creaking
- asked ICBC about remittance
- asked about starhub
- ntucFamily benefits .. discussed with many and resolved some
- cartridge
- chalk .. reducing potential pain of wasted overstock
- SRS .. analysis + transfer
- CareShield + PayAssure .. research, discussion, sign-up
- Grandpa’s cash gift proposal .. discussion
- rbh stock picking
- — Supper battles
- minimal supper (below 350 cal) no starch????
- delayed past 11 and below 700 cal without a dinner??????
- delayed some cooked foods to next morning?????
- — traditional targets:
- tech xx and coding:
- help kids on workout, math, etc
- math with boy 7 days
- workout with meimei on Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun
- father-daughter-bonding at playground
- standing:
- Mon 3h
- Thu 30m
- Sat 2H
- stretch:
- Mon 1m in shower
- Tue: 2m@PG, 2m@shower
- Wed 30m lotus@cinema; 2m in shower
- Thu: 2m@shower
- Fri 2m@shower
- muscle endurance + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: ▲flexible > ▲strength > ▼endurance. see also 5/wk
- Tue 5m light@PG
- Sat chin-up 10; light workout 5m
- cardio
- Mon lunges x 2; squat x 4 + loaded x 6; stairs x 3; racing 200m
- Tue loaded squat x 32; lunges x 3
- Wed squat x 72, loaded 32; stairs x 4, lunges x 1
- Thu squat x 80; loaded 32; stairs x 2; lunges x 1; cycle race 5m; boat game;
- Fri stairs x 12; boxing x 3; squat x 6
- Sat stairs x 3
== diet