adapt [naturalSelection] to environment||nature is another perspective.
An opamp is largely a black box system. In different contexts, the opamp can be either highly sensitive or well-regulated. Its response to external events can be unpredictable but we always aim for calm composure.
Improvement methods act like signals to the opamp. When the opamp is responsive it can respond to these signals successfully.
- eg: One of the best illustrations of “opamp” is ED medicines. Some guys would experience better improvements than other guys.
- personal xp: With BMI, my diet techniques produced visible and sustainable results in 2018-2019 period. No such results in other phases of my life.
- personal xp: With stretch, various improvement methods/solutions all fail to produce any visible response.
- personal xp: with cholesterol, diet and exercise failed to produce sustainable and sufficient improvements, so I had to take medication.
- personal xp: English listening .. In 1991-1992, I was unable to understand BBC (or everyday conversations). After more than a year of /immersion/, I was able to follow BBC. The immersion is a sea of “signal”. I think my immersion was very long because my opamp was slower than my sister or other students of my age. I can see that many male Chinese students have even slower opamp due to older age.
- .. English speaking .. was a slower, less spectacular success story. Opamp is again my brain (the oral-linguistic part). The signals are the interactive environments where I practice with other speakers. For many years I struggled and was hardly comprehensible and rarely articulate, but I persevered and found new signals to stimulate my opamp and improve the positive feedback loop. I figured out what expressions are less bookish, and I focused on specific sentence structures just for oral communication. I also learned to rephase what I hear.
- eg: English essay-writing .. during my JC year 1, I made progress but still failed to pass. Over the decades since that year, my English writing has been improving.
In the face of challenging /events/, my “system” often reacted well. (Off-topic: a leader deals with lots of chellenging events and must remain calm.)
- eg: Boy’s defiance triggered opamp responses in both parents. However, I was able to sleep, stay calm with blood pressure stable, keep low voice…
- 2009 humiliating bonus.. I didn’t go home but decided to focus on my work projects
— Beyond the personal opamp .. The opamp metaphor is more appropriate for the body. In other examples, the opamps are not the body but other people:
- eg: boy’s attitude on math .. I have tried so hard to change his attitude.
- eg: boy’s Chinese reading habit ..
- eg: c++ interviews .. were hard to crack for years until I started cracking them in 2017.