##buy stress-relief #ris`income

  • Rmb 30/Y charged to psbc::gp to receive sms on every in/out amount
  • https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/41310/samsung-tv-stressors/
  • choose ICBC::zlh over CMB to save stress due to mobileNum smrz


See also

Q: given our rising cashflow high ground [salary, int,,,,], at which pain points could I find /leverage/ to spend a bit more judiciously to reduce my (and wife’s) growing stress? Warning: Slippery slope .. towards overspend and regret.

  • [$ = hundreds of dollars each time, $$ = thousands]
  • [t = saves a lot of time or Sys2 resources]
  • [d = eliminate/reduce due diligence workload]
  • [☆★ ===== effective .. leverage or pain relief]
  • [$] vacation .. additional hotel room
  • creature comfort]low-cost flights
  • ^^ promotions .. below list is largely unsorted
  • pay for sufficient roaming data pack for Djdj visit … so I can use wpress, github, gmail etc.
  • [Sv][$$$] low-pay, less demanding job, as XiaoYan of PSA suggested
  • [Sv] more lavish rewards to induce boy’s better beahvior, and buy me some stress relief
  • pay out of pocket for DJDJ-required screenings
  • [Sr][$ct] tuition for kids .. if kids engage (like ahboy), then we get stress protection and even prevention
  • — category: 77_misc small expenses
  • accidental roaming costs on #5241 .. I need roaming SMS (free) but it creates a hazard — incoming calls may look like important. Each call I accept accidentally costs some amount.
  • Overseas spend .. physical cash creates stress over theft and loss. Reduce that stress by accepting card fees.[dt] buy small things (like chia) faster, without oth
  • pay $20/M for starhub SIM to control boy’s mobile data
  • [cdt] used batteries .. no obligation to check for 99% depleted or 1% depleted.
  • [t] no obligation to sell your old stuff to CashConverter or online. Just discard or give away.
  • [d] dripp water tabs .. costs perhaps $1 /month. I can relax and take my time to fix it.
  • ChnM monthly fee .. accept
  • [Sv] wallet to always carry (low-balance) hsbc movie card… accept risk of loss. In addition, carry another one just for that day. Accept the practice of using the all-day card on weekdays.
  • — category: 33_pff
  • [Sv] NCT help with title
  • [Sv][$ct☆] KondoKo assistance .. RPT
  • [Sr] Ivy/Phillip assistance
  • [Sv][dt] pay HRBlock extra fee [4].. more effective than paying a consultant
  • [dt] buy big quantum to get “free” consultation
  • [Sr][t] become priority clients to enjoy better hotline, email support etc
  • [St][$$] GEX/PropNex for after-sales assistance
  • [St][dt] accept occassional FBF .. No /obligation/ to babysit multiple FBADBs
  • [Sr][cdt] accept some late fees or residual debit balance in ccards. Striving for 100% 20 times a year is stressful
  • [Sv][d] don’t care about seasonal promotion features if it has a (stressful) deadline.
  • — category: 33_wellness support
  • Cigna: I used to leave some residual unused budget within the Wellness category. I think it _is_ best practice, but if I exhaust the budget, that is also fine.
  • buy simple workout equipment for my use in DJDJ, even if I may use it very lightly
  • buy healthy and tasty foods on the go.. usually expensive. Note small portion often less unhealthy.
  • [St][cd] fitness classes, fancy fitness equipment that I may discard after a while
  • .. [$$] pay a fee to learn some meditation
  • [St][$] diet instructor, fitness instructor,,, for affluent clients. Can protect your self-image
  • [St] pay for counselling
  • — category: 33_tech including personalized /assistance/
  • [] VivoY02: a commercial SMS app
  • [cdt] buy MSff or adopt WPS in multiple laptops?  I now prefer /decoupling/ from MSff
  • [St] accept small roaming costs like outgoing SMS.
  • [Sr][$$ ct☆] pay $1k for an IT contractor to set up non-SSL and blog printing service for me. I simply have no bandwidth for now.
  • [Sr][t] laptop with premium support or a good Simlim shop
  • [Sv][ct] hire a consultant to set up home network with parental control. Hotline support proved stressful
  • [Sr] [$c] faster, “richer” smart phone .. reduce stress about storage constraint, but SD card is a cheaper alternative
  • [Sv][★$d] wpch USD 200/Y. Phone support would cost a lot more.
  • .. similarly, gDrive and VPN
  • — less effective, or too commonplace
  • [Sv][cd] changeable air tickets
  • [☆t$$] temp accommodation near office during initial camp-out phase
  • [$$$] improve commute by buying better (not necessarily prime) locations ..
  • [] support family buffet even if “good deal” is unlikely [not hungry]
  • [$] unpaid leave .. too expensive, not worthwhile. No leverage. Regrettable — spent unpaid leave before starting Macq job .. to gain peaceful family time? low ROI
  • [c] taxi .. for family outing. Classic lifestyel creep
  • — I want the item above to follow strict criteria. The items below tend to cost money but are not exactly stress relief
  • [c] premium economy seats with extra legroom

Many U.S. employers hire commercial providers to provide common stress relief for employees.

Many (too many) stress relief items here are … “personal assistance”

— [c = lifestle creep, creature comforts, against my zqbx and adaptation goals] .. Sharp question:
Q: are these suspects of lifestyle creep?
%%A: in the selected cases, I weigh the costs and benefits and make a conscious (sys2) decision to embrace the creep.

— I try to assign 1/3 of the items to each of the three categories. Very few items would “belong to” two buckets

  • [Sr=stress reduction or buffer]
  • [St=stress proTection], relatively rare
  • [Sv=stress preVention]

— [4] xp: I did my due diligence and decided that without the $69.88 fee, HRblock couldn’t file some uncommon forms (stock sales?). Afterwards, I couldn’t verify that the $70 would really make a difference. In the past, I would always require this verification, or demand a confirmation from the vendor (I trust them). This time, I had too many stressors to clear. I didn’t want to keep the entire (filing) process held up, waiting for this verification.

I accepted the risk that “HRBlock misinformed or short-changed me .. the $70 fee made no difference.” I paid the fee to remove (“prevent”) this and other stressors.