affiliate commission rate: up to 15% Lazada or Shopee 2-10%. Clickbank can be 70%. Beauty products, baby products offer good commission rates (but there are strong affiliate players in those markets).
Facebook lets you set up a page free, where you can list the products. This page is the minimum if you don’t want a APS.
- let’s you send “spam” free, up to 10,000 mails/month.
- free for 60D, up to 100 contacts
— trust and rapport with consumers.. Mostly strangers, but you still can build rapport by providing valuable and knowledgeable tips. Most people would appreciate by using your personal AML rather than bypassing it. Successful affiliates need to invest time and build an online presence. This is a labor or love.
Your APS or your blog needs a personality to be memorable, to build trust and rapport, to help you establish an online presence.
CallToAction prevents the consumer from bypassing your AML.
— product reviews .. can be included in your “Story”. About 70% of product reviews are genuine. A picture is worth 1000 words.
— the players: merchant || platform [Amazon/lazada] || social media || Affiliates [w@mm]
I feel affiliate model is based on w@mm [word-of-mouth marketing], but automated via the platform’s AML.
- In pre-internet, it’s merchant < consumer with w@mm affiliates earning commission iFF buyer mentions the referrer.
- in web1.0 , it’s merchant < platform < consumer. Merchants use google or social media to reach consumers.
- in affiliate model, the minimum set of players are merchant < platform < affiliate < consumer. The affiliates are an integral part of the platform, and help expand the platform’s /tentacles/.
^^^ In all of these models, advertising networks can play a role, but that role is often confusing. The role is distinct from the platform. In this blogpost, we basically ignore independent merchants unlinked from all platforms, merchants like classpass, which recruit classpass affiliates. In the most confusing structure, classpass can advertise on FB or recruit affiliates; classpass can have a merchant page on Amazon; Amazon affiliates can advertise on FB for classpass.
- merchant[shop owner] is the counterparty receiving payment from consumer
- advertiser .. Defined as whoever pays advertising fee. Advertiser on platform is a merchant. Advertiser in social media can be the affiliate or the merchant.
- — examples:
- Linkedin, youtube .. major social media
- twitter, wechat .. social media
- forums, discord .. social media
- email marketing .. comparable to social media
— APS [Affiliate Personal Site] .. Domain + hosting costs about $$250/Y. Is that cost necessary? I guess not strictly, but very important. On APS or a social media page, you can post a Story, followed by the AML [Affiliate Marketing Link]. Your APS is better because a social media property (FB, IG, Wechat…) belongs to the tech giant and can restrict your marketing.
*.co domains are very cheap, but trainer said not recommended. Only *.com * *.sg are recommended.
To be effective, I think the Story had better be personal, and include photos, drawings, /testimonies/..