Opening eg: Einstein played violin as recreation, whereas Karl Marx solved his chosen math problems as recreation
I think math is broad and deep, and some parts of practical or theoretical math could make excellent recreation. Better than board games.
Math recreation is an example of looko.
textbook on calculus is too heavy and not worth carrying.
How about other textbooks like biochemistry, economics, finance, psychology? Q: How and why math is special?
- A1: Math teaching (esp. at the lower levels) has enduring value, and ticks 3 of the four ikigai questions for retirees!
- a(minor): I can help my kids with math
- a(minor): tech JIV continues to lean towards math.
- A: I have a love-hate relationship with math.
* It feels boring and tough .. esp. linear algebra, statistics
* I have non-trivial talent. I am a natural from preschool to Master’s level. The hardest evidence — I completed a rigorous master’s program in math, with good GPA.
— continuous learning ..
With English vocab, I am well on my way to continue self-study into my late adulthood.
With programming, I have developed my strategy and my habit for continuous learning.
With Math (as with piano), how long can I last? Those who once were good at math in school may forget a lot of details, but those who continue self-study into adulthood would have a chance to deepen their appreciation.