k_divorce ,,,, k_X_compliance
See also
- https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/12221/resilience-against-ffree-derailers/ .. is about “ffree derailers”, including missteps.
This blogpost is about non-trivial missteps in general, and its darkest subset i.e. 一念之差 . Historically, I decided to group this blogpost with related blogposts in pff, so as to have a single tag “t_misstep”… Not purist, I prioritized cross-linking.
- — — serious missteps
- #1 [1pr] road crossing ..
- #2 [1] compliance .. misstep at MLP (other jobs are less valuable)
- [1pr] try drugs … if a young person decides to try drugs
- [Lr] U.S. Immigration offense … (Negligence is not mis-judgement)
- — — unlikely missteps:
- [1Lr] confess.. if you confess something on camera or in writing, it can haunt you for a lifetime
- .. criminal record in the U.S. system is the main focus. China’s 档案 system is even “worse”. confessions during Cultural revolution
- [Lr] if you cheat on your spouse even once, she/he has enough reason to demand divorce. Half the times this decision (to cheat) is made without thought, perhaps under influence from alcohol.
- [1Lpr] if you beat your wife or kids just once you can be convicted of domestic violence. The damning evidence could be nothing more than a single video footage or informal, private chat, taken out of context. Note U.S. court is biased in favor the the vulnerable like kids and housewives.
- [Lp] [[鹰冠山庄]] a young man A was tricked into beating another young man. This was presented as evidence in court, so A was denied custody to his young son.
- — — relatively mild missteps:
- [1r] pre-existing .. if you let a doctor record in the medical record your own words about cholesterol medication, it can stay there forever and become a pre-existing condition
- [1L] drunk driving .. if you are caught drunk driving, you would face penalties and get a police record. Even a passenger having an open alcohol bottle could be a damning evidence, but the penalty might be different from drunk driving.
- [1Lr] (personal xp): trespass
- (personal xp): 2013 A/C tubing installation
- [L=need awareness of various legal implications]
- [p=physical harm, including disability]
— Contrasting a few (up to 4) wildly different missteps can generate sparks and insights into ….
- road crossing .. the prime example in a bigger category, which includes drink-driving, speed driving,,,#1 biggest mega-threat in my entire “world”
- compliance .. biggest threat to my MLP job
— key feature: $cost .. a misstep can cost tens of thousands, even threaten your barebones ffree. See the big picture in NAV 一辈子花不完@@ 3 factors
— [r=(almost)permanent consequences] long shadow ..
* compliance offense .. shortest “shadow”
* divorce where kids are not involved .. relatively short shadow
— [1=一念之差] (very) brief window for the decision maker, often under pressure, so no space for due diligence. A lot of times, the action was taken in an emotional overreaction.
- classic example is my “trespass” experience. Similarly, reckless road-crossing can (and did) also get me into accidents.
- divorce .. A single misstep can sow the seed — abuse; cheating
- In some Islamic laws, divorce is concluded by the husband repeating some phrase 3 times. You could regret later, but the damage could be permanent [like re-marriage or punishment by the family]
- Counter-eg: U.S. Immigration offense … often employer can remind you, so it is rarely a personal negligence.
- Counter-eg: 2007 Dateline NBC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Catch_a_Predator. These decision makers had plenty of time… so not 一念之差.
- Counter-eg: bidding war when buying HDB. Even if you make a rash decision and pay $1000 OTP, you have 14 to 21 days to think it over.. so not 一念之差.