See also steadfast focus
This blogpost is about the precious little gems that we could lose to the drain unexpectedly. Not restricted to carefree ezlife
[d=detach actively]
— G3 in gz
- my c++ critical mass
- [d] flexible hours, short commute, excellent medbx
- [d] the nice office near the waterfront, with workout facilities
— G1 PFF domain is well-analyzed, well-protected, so i will only name unfamiliar little gems
- Rbh .. out-of-country access
— G4 in wellness
- absorbency [knee capacity] and joy of jogging
- absorbency for chin-up, yoga
- [d] strong bones .. my shin bones survived a hard hit during bike fall
— Beyond the top 9, here are some of the high-level-n-vague, the big (not “little gems”) the familiar..
- [d] coreJava (and c, SQL, perl/shell scripting to a lesser extent) .. robust demand
- [d] libido
- [d] small belly
- carefree ezlife based on plenty of buffer in spare time/money
- inflation in SGD .. too high-level
- loving family .. too vague
- .. improving bonding with boy
- .. nice bonding with meimei