is the full learning sequence in my Primary 1. is a compilation of all known combinations of consonants and various vowel components. This page may be missing some combos, but not if you click into each subpage. is the 1958 official document. has similar but enriched content:
- ü 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候,写成 yu(迂),yue(约),yuan(冤),yun(晕);ü上两点省略。
- ü 行的韵母跟声母 j,q,x 拼的时候,写成:ju(居),qu(区),xu(虚),ü上两点也省略;但是跟声母 n,l 拼的时候,仍然写成 nü(女),lü(吕), to be separate from nu (怒) / lu (路)。Other examples: lüe(略), nüe(虐) though “lue / nue” are nonexistent.
- ün is nonexistent.
- iou,uei,uen 前面加声母的时候,写成 iu,ui,un。例如 niu(牛),gui(归),lun(论)。iou/uei/uen are nonexistent. (They always follow a consonant.) See and
- .. These components were tabulated for theoretical discussion.
- ~~ A pair of twin rules:
- i 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候,写成 yi(衣),ya(呀),ye(耶),yao(腰),you(忧),yan(烟),yin(因),yɑng(央),ying(英),yong(雍)。
- u 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候,写成 wu(乌), wa(蛙), wo(窝), wɑi(歪),wei(威),wan(弯),wen(温),wang(汪),weng(翁)。
— 伊欧/”iou” special rules … tricky to many students. The theoretical form is “iou” i.e. i-ou i.e. 伊欧, but “iou” is not in use in any dictionary i.e. nonexistent.
- rule (see twin rule): i 行的韵母,前面没有声母的时候 , replace leading i with y.. “iou” -> “you(有)”
- rule: iou 前面加声母的时候,写成 iu. Examples: niu, liu, jiu(就), qiu(求), xiu(修).
In each case, if you remove the “i”, then the full pinyin would match a different Chinese character.
— e(额) vs er(二/而/耳/尔/儿) .. two distinct sounds