“曾经有个非常不错的三十五岁哥们,人长得那是没话说,工作也好,车子两部,房子三套,即便算不上“高富帅”,也可以跻身金领的行列了” — https://www.163.com/dy/article/ER52JEG605452UOU.html, a common role model for students not only in China.
— ! car is a liability, not an asset. Since this guy is unmarried, 2-car lifestyle is a waste of resources, unjustified,
— ! quantity vs value of rEstate. See also HF.Sun discussion
— ! concentration risk.. it’s unwise/questionable to buy 3 homes in the same city. Better diversify to commercial properties, stocks, gold, bonds
— As a student, what would I envy him for?
- Sexual success
- salary. Without salary, his assets are a mere “handout” [lottery, inheritance] and won’t last