k_rmSelf_vs_xpSelf … k_CAD
Common features between them:
- short but meaningful life.. Not “short” for the earlier generations.
- No prior health issues reported in the media .. such as cholesterol?
- showed energy and enthusiasm, even on the last few days.
- ending on a good note.
— For years, I thought that my CRE fitness puts me in a green zone… really?
🙂 my CRE enables me to enjoy a wide range of relaxing workouts, mostly jogging. Such workouts are effective protections of heart, lung, and reduces risks of cancers, dementia, t2dm etc
🙂 my CRE fitness also helps me de-stress, which reduces many health risks
🙂 overall, CRE and other fitness does indicate a body age younger than biological age
🙁 CRE fitness, as showns in Sim and Lee, is a poor indicator of heart health. An individual can be strong/powerful but vulnerable at the same time.
— Prof Lee…I created this bpost because 1) we know Prof Lee personally, 2) wife and I will have many discussions over the decades
- his kids are grown-up already. However, his kids would still need him, to some extent. His wife too.
- He went on a jog and collapsed in shower
- Confirmed died of CAD. Dr Leow said regular screening at the treadmill could uncover CAD.
— WongHoo.Sim .. I keep this bpost because there is good internet resources.
- married but with no kids
- Creative staff said the CEO was seen at work during the week of his passing.