This blogpost is related to (like subset) reduce annoyances b4 stress_Spike #preEmptive
[L= Travel-light .. mutually exclusive with [e]]
[e = electronic pruning… comparatively lower urgency than physical pruning, which reduces physical weight for travel-light]
[r=pruning tcost has low Roti]
- [L] imp docs .. I tend to put more and more papers into this “drawer”. Ideally, it should only contain truly important docs
- [e] outdated payee list in DBS/SCB/MB///
- unused credit cards
- growing heaps in corridor shelf
- [L] books/magazines .. (esp. free ones). Actually, relocations always forced me to do involuntary pruning.
- [Lr] old laptops, phones,
- expire bottles in fridge …
- [Lr] toys
- [er] email folders like fuxi, todo
- [er] contact_large.txt .. I think I can remove some of the recruiters (that I have stopped working with). How about some of the ex-colleagues and ex-classmates who I feel don’t like me?
- [er] linkedin contacts .. cost of maintaining a linkedin contact — hinders my search/browse.
- [er] browser bookmarks
- [er] photo album in smartphone
— [e] blog ..
- [er] gitBlog including the fuxi files
- sticky and fuxi items
- [
e] printout of blog? See growing blog2fuxi@@ #recrec - t_oqAlgo has too many blogposts
- the vocab blog
- see Single-category Doctrine