k_tectonic k_soul_search .. k_miswanting_blindFOMO
See also
- with%%well-protected livelihood, y FOMO[def1] high-flyers
- satiation income-level #wellOff
- MMM’s “sweet spot”, discussed in my bpost
GexAcademy Chairman Patrick, Lee Hom… all show high net worth in the millions. H.Yi mentioned a fellow developer friend having 3M net assets. Well I don’t feel envious. After ffree, or at our deathbed, marginal benefit of one more million is not a priority. Higher priorities are family harmony, successE (carefree ezlife with wellness), succcessZ,,,
— The two /viewpoints/
This blogpost is all about the wrong priorities of my cohort in our 40’s and 50’s. We recognize these wrong priorities best at our _deathbed_. Therefore, an suitable title is “the wrong priorities I may realize at my deathbed”.
However, the intended impact of this analysis is more /immediate/. Therefore for now I chose the other viewpoint, the viewpoint of an affluent father who has accumulated enough[2] of a battery giving him the freedom[3] to quit working full time. From his viewpoint, presumably some of his earlier priorities are now wrong priorities.
I choose not to classify my priorities by category like wellness, family ..
— priority: beautiful wife.. In my bachelor years, as I witnessed more and more in my cohort getting married and having kids, what I really envied the most, an undeniable human need (biological need? no) was a sexual partner.
prefer slim^brank@@P2 #completeLife lists beautiful wife as the most important element.
— priority: more (quality) family time with kids/wife? A top 3 popular priority but I feel it’s somewhat less than ..
priority: more family time esp. across generations
— priority: more time for self-care, personal-development
priority: music for life
— priority: monthly yoga studio visits, when my home practice is insufficient
— priority: bigger home on higher floor? A wrong priority from the deathbed if it requires too much sacrifice. However, I think this is a reasonable priority for wife. I think she looks at some friends’ homes and she feels those homes are better.
— priority: SDXQ home .. a clean, safe neighbourhood is valuable to my family, but is a wrong priority if it requires too much family sacrifice, as I shared with Jack.He.
— priority: top schools for myself and my kids
At my deathbed, I would feel my two top high schools didn’t mean that much to me but did provide good learning environments, esp. during my formative years from Grade 7 to Grade 9. After that year, I was already a top student with rock-solid foundation and superior learning habits.
However, if a student is not suitable for top schools, then the pain and sacrifice in the family is not worthwhile, as seen from the deathbed.
— priority: get into a lucrative domain for long-term? Was a key priority for my younger self, and still a priority for my kids.
— priority: try-something-new-n-glamorous? A wrong priority if it requires too much sacrifice.
Deepak.CM demonstrates a tenacity. I think it is a reasonable priority before he becomes well-off. However, at his deathbed I doubt it.
— priority: higher ROI compared to the 2% on safe investments
Q: why should I feel dissatisfied with low ROI, during my golden years or after semi-retirement? See [4].
I choose a recreational style of investing using a small risk capital.
— priority: a bigger net worth + higher income to fund/bankroll a Level-6 ffree? Clearly a wrong priority if your battery is already “enough “[2]
This priority is huge in [4]
Additional rEstate is a popular “priority” among my cohort.
— priority: large bequest? To “help” the next generations? Wrong priority
— priority: brank, OC-effectiveness, clout? A fairly specific but wrong priority for individuals without the leadership talent.
— priority: business networking? Wrong priority for individuals without the talent.
After I “have arrived“, I want to spend more time with grandparents, wife or close friends, not business associates !
— priority: sightseeing around the world? A wrong priority for me.
— important footnotes
[2] “enough” has various criteria. I choose the FullerWealth criteria. I wrote many blogposts about the limitations of my barebones ffree. I am well-off now but not necessarily in 5Y.
[3] Many such individuals in their 40’s or 50’s seem to enjoy working in their favorite domains, often on a freelance basis. Given their vitality and intellectual energy level, they probably feel wasted otherwise. I have described to numerous young colleagues[Dahlan, Sophia, Jiaying..] that 10% salary boost feels meaningless to me
[4] my letter to sis: G3 specific goals@investment effort #Shiller