buy`wellness: how effective@@ #gym

There are many “research” or marketing that link fancy new products to wellness. You would think the wealthy would live healthier lives? Alas, the correlation is very low. Below are some of the wellness “products” ☆★

  • $$$★★★ more free time .. you can “buy” it via commute and lower-pay jobs
  • ★★ less driving, more walking, cycling
  • ☆ simple, low-cost workout equipment similar to what I have bought and haven’t discarded.
  • $$★ nearby gym/pool/basketball Court/// as provided by an office or condo
  • $★★ yoga (and other) classes
  • $☆ fancy fruits
  • pre-washed raw veg

In my opinion most of the cost-effective items are low-cost.

I consciously reject most of the supplements, fancy expensive food.

— gym .. I once paid USD 95/M. S$130/M gym fee is tolerable to me, but most of us use the gym only once a week. Let’s assume 8 times/M. How about $16/visit flat rate?

I would feel I could save the money by working out at home. Jolt: but can you do that consistently? Paying the monthly fee motivates me to go there regularly.