— Batt lamps:
- G2 adv: low heat.. important for small room in SG
- .. heat reduction is a major feature nowadays
- G3 adv: power cable required only during charging. See charging tips below.
- G5 adv: often smaller base, due to smaller head
- adv: low energy footprint .. minimalistic lifestyle
- adv: in the clamp lamp market, batt model is displacing bulb models. So I better “adapt to thrive”
- dis: less bright.
- dis: can’t replace bulb. I assume battery model is less durable than bulb model
— G3 charging recommendations:
- 24H max charge for battery health
- every 3M of disuse, charge 8 hours, perhaps in OFF mode. Protects battery life. I think 100% depletion hurts battery.
- better recharge long before battery completely depleted