See also
Alcohol is much more than nutrition or health. Alcohol is social, not only among teenagers. As a more remote analog, golf is much more than a sport.
As such alcohol (and coffee) is highly commercial. Therefore there’s a lot of sponsored research in the health effects of alcohol. These findings tend to dominate the casual or serious discussions about alcohol.
We are judged — Your alcohol attitude is comparable to your attire or your transportation choices.
Alcohol lifestyle might be important for some salesmen and leaders, but not me. Many of those OC-effective types tend to “advise” me to embrace alcohol. Jolt: I used to feel weak and ineffective in my stubborn, “old-fashioned” attitude on alcohol. Well, now I like my attitude.
There’s too much misinformation and propaganda about alcohol. I have little bandwidth for that noise. Instead, I prefer simple, verified facts about alcohol:
- In human history, alcohol have never been necessary for health or happiness. The health benefits have not become substantial.
- alcohol presents many risks not only to health
- the most widespread and popular club drug is alcohol. As a drug, alcohol has minimal health benefit for the majority of healthy people
My self-knowledge advantage — I don’t waste money or time on this “imported” finer things in life.
— The AAA Question: zero pleasure in alcoholic drinks .. is a blessing or curse? How does my System 1 answer? Blessing
System 2? Given my priorities [avoid suffering, healthy longevity], I would say “Blessing”.
Therefore, if and when I start to feel some pleasure in alcohol (Anurag, grandma or wife?) I need to be very careful with the potential AAA risk.