##[22]faking-> slow conviction-> behavior change #mindOverBody


人就是这样,装得久了,就装得像了;装得太像、太久,不管事实怎样,自己倒是先信了。而这当然会影响之后的决定和行为。(can find on baidu.)

faking — means self-persuasion against acquired beliefs + conventional views + so-called facts.

To a lesser extent, imitating a role model has a similar effect.

— In Dec 2024, I shared the same with Edwin..

  • brank is not everything. Wellness is more important esp. on the death bed
  • brank can dissolve like clay statue in water

— 装/faking and self-talk are closely related.

Self-talk, twister-SMS, sentence completion are relevant

— examples in n around me:

  • After O-levels results in Jan 2025, I said boy did much better than I feared
  • [装] my attitudes about ITE, poly, JC
  • [装] self-rating of optimistic personality.. self-belief that I’m usually lucky .. such as H1b lottery
  • I was truly grateful to FSC
  • I was truly grateful to the flexible work hours at MLP etc
  • [[Improving your memory]]P23 self-talk about your own memory
  • [装]  Related self-belief that I have a heart of kindness [for my family members, for strangers,,,] and therefore 好人有好报 [+ve karma]
  • my and grandpa’s optimism about ah-boy
  • my decision to rent in an average school district
  • My work ethics and my professionalism
  • ..My dedication to quality in my work.. quality mindset
  • my decision on dev-till-70 and healthy longevity till 95
  • I told Jason etc that I can accept layoff if my “best effort” is not enough
  • [装] bonus .. my expectation, gratutude and reactions
  • My conservation/eco effort (doing my small part).. Example: In the luxury Conrad hotel, I was determined and consistent in saving water, reducing waste. Actions speak louder than words. I can claim to be good habitant of Planet Earth.

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