Starhub jargon: contract, simOnly, CIS-NTUC

— contract .. means “penalty applies” and “locked in for the contract period”.

Disambiguation: Note some simOnly plans offer as 12M rebate. After the 12M, rebates stops. One example is the voiceUpsize. VoiceUpsize is often free for 12M. This feature is unrelated to “contract” because there’s no penalty.

— simOnly .. doesn’t mean no-contract.
simOnly means “no phone bundled”

— CIS .. corp individual scheme. What organizations can join CIS? Virtually any company can. I think it’s just a marketing scheme for Starhub go reach out to more consumers through their corporate email.

NTUC plans are a subset of CIS plans, often cheaper. I think NTUC has negotiated a special CIS program for union members.

CIS benefits [discounts..] are often minimal. Sometimes it’s $5 x 12M. Sometimes it is nothing compared to some simpler non-CIS plans.

I tend to get /fixated/ on CIS — insisting on evidence to confirm I am on CIS.  I think starhub user interfaces [service agreement, emails, bills, and esp. website ] often omit “CIS”. Therefore the effort to seek evidence is often futile .

sign-up process .. The CIS sign-up process is extremely complicated on self-service portal, and even buggy at times. So it’s best to do it in the a Starhub service center (PlazaSing or Nex, not Vivocity)

— Plan names .. all sound very similar, very lengthy, hard to identify or remember. So I try to call them “the 24 Jun plan” …