def[involution] #Chn 婚介/dating club

— defining involution (more searchable than 内卷).. Involution means many things to many people. In my blog, it means inefficiency, zero leverage, questionable productivity, limited value-creation,,,  Competition is a key factor in the “contemporary China usage”, not in my blog.

内卷 ^ 躺平: 一个指向“过度竞争”,一个代表“退出竞争”,折射出年青一代对中国社会竞争白热化的挫折感。内卷成为2020中国年度“十大流行语”之一。

内卷在中国的语义与竞争白热化高度联系在一起。(somewhat similar to midlife crisis) 年轻人不断感受到竞争的压力,如果不努力、不竞争就会落后、淘汰、出局……但他们一直在同一个水平上,像一个陀螺被敲打,却没有突破,他们最直观的感觉就是很累,觉得自己重复性的投入没有形成突破,看不到意义。– 社会人类学教授. Involution is not really equal to hyper competition. Involution is a subset of hyper competition. Negative harmful competition.

NY1: China young professional’s involution is “the experience of being locked in a competition that one ultimately knows is meaningless,” — Xiang Biao. It is acceleration without a destination, progress without a purpose, Sisyphus spinning the wheels of a perpetual-motion Peloton.

Feature of involution: no real growth or personal improvement; no seeking real happiness or long-term companionship.

  • top example of involution: coding drill for CIV. Can you lay flat? No I take it as a mental exercise.
  • example: HFT arms race. zero-sum game.
  • eg: proliferation of bccy, without creating real value

— based on
在婚恋市场,内卷这个词也是很有解释力的。比如女性客户会去整容,这个现象越来越普遍. 在其他条件没办法短时间内去改变,这种相貌上的改变是立竿见影的,男生的参与度和后续联系都会更好。







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