[24]Siloso staycation #recharge

Somehow, I didn’t feel /recharged/ during Siloso or (as I told colleagues) PEK May vacations. These days it is becoming increasingly impratical hoping to feel recharged after a break . What would make me feel ..
* recharged? workout; coding drill; tech xx; coaching kids
* relaxed? reading; learning; chitchat. After checkout, my quiet hours in office was relaxing

check-in check-out conf# ref# price $468.82
3p Fri 14/6 12p Sun 16/6 1284293173 32589448381 paid by SCSC

— priorities for myself + family

  1. daily pills
  2. Be there for the family (esp. kids) [3]…
  3. daily workout .. take the opportunity to swim and jog.
  4. personal quiet time .. tough in this small room with limited storage space
  5. enough sleep, early sleep .. tough LGlp. I’m able to get _some_ sleep
  6. $cost control .. LG-no-guilt. I was decisive with the taxi fare on Sat night
  7. delicious meals .. LGlp. basic healthy is better for me

[3] If I check my utlization of each day (used to be “each quarter”)… A lot of my time spent was part of being a father. That ROTI is the biggest goal, biggest yardstick,,, of this staycation.

— well done.. twisters preferred

  • spent lots of time with meimei (boy too) in pool, even though she didn’t really practice swimming
  • Had some tense moments with each kid. I managed to reconcile with each
  • no quiet time, but I was able to find a quiet space in corridor.. facing bubbling water, fish
  • food quality/quantity .. was careful each meal. No unhealthy food taken. Felt hungry after each meal 🙂
  • eco .. reusing towels
  • good try .. late night movie. I was able to find anywheel to come home after movie
  • I did come to office early on Friday
  • I did the right thing to come back to hotel on Sunday morning to help out

— thank God… twisters preferred

  • both kids enjoyed the pool, even though they didn’t “practice” seriously. The fun in the water is non-zero practice. Meimei looked forward to it every day and swam every day.
  • Even though I came to office around 10am, I was able to leave early as planned. Had precioius 1 hour on beach before sunset
  • .. had a low-stress day in office
  • Even though there was light rail suspension, we were able to reach Vivo by 9.20pm. A first-ever night movie experience for wife
  • Hotel kindly provided extra chairs + hangers + charger + extra key
  • 3-head charging cable worked well
  • saved on monorail .. about $4 x 5 saved
  • nothing lost or damaged
  • no injury or sickness
  • no quarrels
  • no bullying, no short-changing
  • nothing overcharged