[21]ThankGod how early I started studying outside Chn #Eng++


When my Chinese friends and non-Chinese friends notice my English (among other) advantages, they point out that I came to Singapore at an early age. I often play down my advantage, saying that many China students speak better than I do, even though they studied abroad only after college. (Let’s focus on the males.) Based on personal observations, only a small percentage (like 3-6%) of the above male China students speak better then I do. An even smaller percentage (like 1-3%) write better than I do, probably because they publish a lot. The overlap of these two groups is extremely small (like 1%).

I took longer than my sister to master English listening and speaking. However, I continue to make progress 30Y after, which is rare and a growing strategic advantage over the long run. My critical mass and self-sustaining growth was built up at an early age.

Starting age does matter, esp. on speaking fluency among male students.

There’s some percentage of China professionals disadvantaged/handicapped by late starting age, and hit an invisible ceiling in their English speaking fluency. I may be one of them, and must count myself lucky to have left China early. See other blogposts like which handicap/weaknessES limit LifeChances

— There are other advantages beside English. I have the HJC and NUS branding I became comfortable with the Singapore way of life (too many aspects to enumerate).