warrior meal]ff|FC→minimal supper→compensate next morning

Q: shall we work out, study or work in evening home office?

— Phobia … I have a real phobia to overcome. As of today, the (unexpected foods in) home stash is overpowering.
Every single win is a boost in my confidence. Remember [[edge of tomorrow]] and [[Independence Day]]

— What about a warrior meal in office, and avoid the late supper at home?
Given the superior control in office (superior to home), it is _logical_ to experiment with warrior meal in office, but now I am more realistic about the sustainable BMI effect. See eg@宝山battle over supper 

The office dinner need to be substantial to fend off the overwhelming temptation of unexpected foods in home stash. May increase overall calorie ! Worthwhile if builds my confidence over the phobia.

Q: What time?
A: 9pm, for a few days.
Q: what if not hungry by then?
A: can consider leaving later to win on “skip-supper” game
A: can consider a delayed and controlled supper, to win on “delay-supper” game, and also hit a better BMI reaching home.

Delay the starch or meats to the big dinner. Until then, have only fruits + veg.

— if unable to have the warrior meal in office, how about having it in food court, and avoid the later supper at home? Main benefit is to regain control over my appetite and self-confidence.
Even a half-starchy[1] outside meal builds my  confidence over the unexpected foods in home stash.

[1] congee, sweet potato .. are better than regular rice, bread etc. Office stash is far superior in terms of starch control.

— How early can I sleep? Aim at 11-11.30pm? Very challenging
Luckily, my family sleeps early and I never need to have intimacy at night.

— skip supper -> compensate the next morning?
Late night is the toughest time of the day, and in the morning I always feel stronger, more in-control. So it is logical to minimize supper to 300 Cal, and promise myself a compensation the next morning?

Morning in office is better than morning at home. Better control over the stash.

Delay 1st meal of each day … I think this priority has to be adjusted or sacrificed, to give me some wins. 27 Jan morning I had a big breakfast, but didn’t feel much of a win the last night.