— J4 moving the most tempting foods to office stash:
- these foods can be much harder to control at home then in office. The office environment is a far more controlled environment. Home is frequently an uncontrollable environment.
- when i do lose control (and lose the “battle”), the ensuing guilt and self-hate is very harmful, destructive. This is regardless of home or office , but in office I don’t associate the loss of control with a pattern. There’s less “classical conditioning” in the office context.
- In office I can keep the food out of sight. No family member would move them into sight.
- I can sometimes discard them in office.
- I can neutralize them with frozen veg in office. At home, there’s only raw veg to go with them.
— the side effect
wife would not notice that she cooked too much, and would not learn to cook less