show day@month ] win10 taskbar

— option: rely on paper calendar, wrist watch etc. Or hover over the system tray clock
I think this requires a bit of adjustment.
— option: rely on wrist watch.. the most important bit of data is the day_of_month
— option: install some applet to always stay on top
— option: taskbarSettings -> smallTaskbarButtons -> off. This puts the date back in the system tray forever:) but the taskbar becomes wider.

The goal is a narrow vertical taskbar (like 7taskbarTweaker) with small button, yet showing the day_of_month and month

On 7 Aug 2021, I followed and able to show a custom short date of 7/8 (i.e. d/M, using “intl.cpl”). As a side effect, many GUIs now show the short date without year 🙁