When I say “I’m clearly more healthy than average” we are assigning some composite numeric rating to our individual health condition, a vague composite. Here I want to highlight a few elements relevant to myself
- dental .. my saliva probably has a stronger cleansing effect
- skin .. some individuals’ skin is less prone to radiation damage. Mine is more vulnerable
- bone density .. my bones are denser and more resistant to wear-n-tear
- flexibility .. reduces injuries. I score lower here.
- sleep .. a natural healing and self-repair. My mom can easily use sleep to recharge and recover from depletion. Am average.
- sexual health .. enhances physical and psychological well-being. I self-score higher than average.
- common cold .. Many of my colleagues easily catch the cold. I seldom do.
- coping devices .. contribute to a healthier system. They include meditation, sleep, workout, comfort foods, expressive writing,
- psychological defenses ..
- diet and exercise habits .. a crucial lifestyle defense. They make an individual “healthy” in terms of lifestyle.
- heart (+ lung) .. some hearts can last longer
- BMI deep-green
- overall immune system .. some immune systems are more resilient. In the U.S. I had only a few minor breakdowns (ear infection, fever)
Note I decided to exclude external factors such as healthcare infrastructure, support network etc.
In my list, common keywords are defense, robust/resilience,,, Each person’s system is under relentless attacks. The healthier system is basically more fortified.