## def[sinkingXp]

k_soul_search  k_sinkingXp

See other sinking experiences

心里一沉(“sinking feeling” as in [[6parenting crisis]]) is often a watershed_moment, associated with a single, memorable downward-turning point. After that, the situation is basically irrecoverable. Nothing much can be done to recover anything.

In this blogpost, I want to focus on the most traumatic experiences. Why I bother with collecting these experience? They are among the life-transforming , defining moments of my life. Lots of insights to be uncovered.

By the way, Some huge setbacks were less traumatic on me , less than on my peers, thanks to my self-protection shields — psychological defenses. H.Yi …

— [t] 1993 after A-levels, receiving rejection letter from classmate. Classic sinking feeling
Similar:  1999 My NUS secret love interest told me (by email) that after she fell out with her ex, she had found a new boyfriend.

Strangely, the interview rejections bear a weird similarity in terms of the sinking feeling.

  • When I heard Venkat got into SquarePoint and Indeed.com
  • When I heard that Henry Wu got into Bbg . Actually, I nearly passed bbg interviews twice.
  • When I heard that Gerald Robinson and Rahul got into FB

— [ip] when marriage counselor told me to imagine family break-up… It was a simulated sinking, in a safe, controlled environment, so the sinking was scary but felt like a nightmare.

At present, my marriage is secure and stable. I hope to make it resilient.
— [hprw] 2019 trespass .. receiving the court ticket was a sinking experience 一念之差. I hated myself.
[i] I was scared of impact on my green card and my entire U.S. immigration plan for the family, as if trespass was comparable to theft or violent crime !

Now (2021) am less desperate about U.S. The more desperate, the deeper your sinking.

— [hr] 1997 cut-loss 壮士断臂自救 .. when I was considering to close my commodity trading positions, there was a sinking moment
Q: Another sinking experience in the future?
A: Already diversified. Risk capital needs right-sizing. At the moment, a 20k realized loss probably won’t give me a sinking feeling.
A: Need to be aware of the dangers, but not babysitting !