stress-breakpoint that you are not aware of until too late

Go-back-to-Singapore is my safety cushion to fall on. I often tell friends — when my stress level gets too high, i will tell my boss i can only handle 70% of last month’s workload. I have to quit otherwise. However, you may not have the cool head to realize that and take that action. During my Raleigh visit, My friend gave an example about breakpoint. Say you were debating with your wife, and it heats up to a shouting argument. Your heart beats faster, voice rising, and you say things you later regret.

Q: was that anger effective or helpful? No.
Q: was your emotion temporarily out of control? Yes
Q: were you aware you were going to lose control? No. You were unknowingly closing towards the breakpoint.

Stressors accumulate. Each day, the level of external stressors could be 0% – 100%. External stressors are often random events — car trouble, kids, accident… Your breakpoint could be at 80%, or 60%. It is lower when you are under prolonged stress, and higher when you are relaxed. You may not be aware where your breakpoint. In conclusion, Both external stressors and your breakpoint are probably not well visible to you.

Your emotions, relationships and health can have such breakpoints.