Zhu Rong,
(this is a diary. You need not read, but you are welcome to reply.)
I found more early signs of a growing impact (damage?) on my family life as I over-spend myself on my job. (“Over-spend” by the standard of my own comfort level. However, by the standard of ambitious individuals, my investment into my current job may be high but not yet over-spending.)
* I knew it’s strategic to get my wife into a nursing or medical assistant course. Before she became pregnant, we did spend about $3000 on a short-term course. Afterwards, we did plan for a 2nd, longer course … Now it’s put on hold partly because of my job — I feel i would have more job security and more time to help her if I get into an easier job than GS.
If this cause-effect is true, then my demanding job is affecting a strategic plan of my family.
* on this job, i always feel bad on Mondays and so much better on Fridays, more so than earlier jobs. Is this a sign of growing disatisfaction and burn-out? I guess in another job in US i might feel about the same way after joining for 2 years?
* I’m sub-conciously putting off my wife and baby’s visa application.
* I’m putting off my parents’ visa application.