[09]u asked about goals + y I stayed]U.S. so long#Zhurong

I don’t “say it loud and clear” because every year i have multiple changing goals, often spelt out in my blog or emails to friends. By the way, job satisfaction and enjoyment isn’t high on my priorities and not part of any serious goal. In comparison, long term career security is a bigger concern to me.
Why didn’t I return to SG? I  can give at least 10 reasons. Simple reasons include
* higher pay
* S’pore is a sturdy but tiny boat in the ocean. Fragile.

* i need internationally well-known companies on my resume. There are fewer in SG

* Chinese workplace culture and office politics is murky, complicated, dangerous… I fare better in non-Chinse companies.

* i felt GS was perhaps a more suitable place for me than most companies, given my “goal”.

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 7:27 PM, Rong Zhu wrote:

Speaking of “strategic plan”, what’s your goal? strategy is only meanful when a goal is set, right? I don’t remember I ever heard you say it loud and clear, although it’s probably the most important thing that is pertinent. In other words, why haven’t you returned to sigpo when there seems so many troubles and inconveniences with life in US?