(Another blog post. No need to reply.)
You mentioned “attachment” to (and over-heated preoccupation with) career growth through self-improvement. I sometimes feel i’m paying a big price with family life.
Now I spend 30-60 min each evening learning C++ and java. I feel that’s not enough but at the same time i don’t have enough time for my baby boy and not enough time for workout. Luckily grand parents were here to help with the baby boy, so he gets enough play time and chitchat time (he speaks his own language; we pretend we understand most of it)
I also feel fortunate that grand parents could help my wife a bit. Before they came, i couldn’t get any time for my home study.
Anyway, since i have a lot of zest and motivation but insufficient time, something has gotta give. I feel job hunting is one, including phone calls with recruiters, reading those job emails, responding to recruiters.
Another one to let go is green card.
A third one to give up might be those sight-seeing trips for the family.
A 4th one — maybe i should sleep less.
Another one to de-prioritize is c++. Not enough real projects to work on, but i feel i should consider to persevere.
Overall, my work load is much lower than before. I feel so lucky. Maybe i should stay in this kind of job.