G5 health issues in longevity individuals #heatmap

Here are my top 5 health concerns in my 95-longevity plan.

Note death is only part of my concern.

  1. heart – variouis conditions add up to be the #2 killer in SG
  2. cancers in various organs – is the #1 killer in SG
  3. bones .. as CSY warned
  4. stroke – much lower in SG ranking
  5. Pneumonia – the #3 killer in SG

— SG: risk factors behind the most death+disability combined, based on http://www.healthdata.org/singapore

  1. tobacco
  2. t2dm (High fasting plasma glucose)
  3. BMI
  4. hypertension
  5. LDL
  6. alcohol

https://vizhub.healthdata.org/gbd-compare/ is a treemap/heatmap, where color represents growth rate, and area represents incidence measured in DAYLs. I chose Singapore Males 70+. Need to choose “Cause” and “Death”. This data is not published by Singapore MOH.

  1. heart including hypertension and various cancers are the biggest two causes of death.
  2. lower respiratory infections — is an infection, probably not chronic like cancer or COPD
  3. — Above are the big 3. Below are the other major items
  4. t2dm + kidney
  5. stroke
  6. Alzheimer’s
  7. hearing loss