We can try out Camp 1, and can always withdraw back to camp 0. In other words, if no other camp works, then always go back to the base position.
I think wife has accepted camp 0. I really need to focus on persuading wife to ……? The cumulative tcost, pains and stress outside the camp 0 is much worse than we assumed.
— Camp Zero — “Use iPhone11 + laptop”. Iphone8 to be locked up for 0~12M [1]. Lock-up needs an end-time. If lock-up is too short, then we experience the same pains as before.
[1] How long is one lock-up period. Boy and I decided to leave it open. I think 1-wk is acceptable
— Base Camp proposed by boy — “zero iphone8 screen time outside school, but boy can carry iphone8 to school”. We retreat to base Camp for 1-4 weeks [1] each time.
Boy feels having a phone in school is really important to a 12-year-old, though dad feels many 13-year-old in Singapore don’t have a phone in school and are perfectly fine.
on 27 Mar 2021, dad agreed with boy that
* 1D lock-up in Camp 0 == 2D in Base camp
* on weekends there’s only Camp 0, no base camp.
— Camp One: 30m iPhone8 screen time outside school. 1H iPhone8 screen time on weekend starting mid 2021.
Penalty for breach .. usually 1-3D. see emails.
— Camp Two: 60m iPhone8 screen time outside school. Weekend 90 minutes.
— Policy: reach agreement with wife (boy if possible, but democracy is LG2) that if he can’t meet my screen-time /requirement/, then we need to retreat to base camp or camp zero.
Without giving any reason, parents can decide to go back to earlier camps. Base camp is a safe, peaceful place.
Arguing with parents about iPhone8 is one reason to retreat to earlier camps. Such argument is unhappiness (and pain) that we don’t have in camp zero.
Having to explain anything about iPhone8 is one reason to go back to earlier camps. The explaining is a waste of time (and pain) that we don’t have in camp zero.