There are many many books, websites, seminars… I think the principles are mostly the same as generations ago, with adaptations to deal with the new challenges…. 换汤不换药.
(Same can be said about relationships, management, leadership..) I only need a handful of books, learn a few dozen principles. The real challenge lies in the enforcement / execution / implementation of these few principles. People like to refer to them as “simple rules” .. simple to express, simple to understand, but not simple to enforce. For each simple principle, if 100 parents understand it, probably 99 would try it and 50 would give up and put it on shelf.
positive_parenting .. is one example.
Each parent can only enforce up to 20 principles before putting some “simple rules” on shelf. Therefore, each parent need to pick a small number and repeatedly review them (using tools like blogging). It’s same as any enforcement.
For many (simple) principles, there’s a lot of resistance from the parent herself, the other parent, or the kids. Therefore, it requires time, energy (and patience, tenacity…). Most of us lack both time and energy (and the rest). Therefore, we need prioritizing, and sacrifice. For me, if I see traction, then I don’t mind spending the time.
One of the tractions I see is blogging as self-analysis, and critical review.