(No need to reply me…)
My friends told me it's not easy to find tibco documentation. I feel lucky and grateful about those docs you generously gave me.
Your “empathy” advice is really simple and memorable – it's a simple word I remember almost everyday now. I guess i tend to tense up when I try to focus on “empathy”. In other words, it's stressful and tiring to focus on empathy, a bit like watching my own breathing/pitch while talking to people. What i end up doing is — remind myself about empathy from time to time. It helps.
Also, i feel my father isn't empathetic and he's a big influence. I might not have the very best upbringing in terms of empathy training, but that's not meant to unload responsibility (there's no 100% flawless parent in this world) and not a statement of fatalism. I do need to (constantly) look for role models around me – i can think of a few right away.
Talk to you again — i do enjoy writing long diary-style emails to far-away friends, but feel no pressure to read or reply please. I hope you see i'm flexible on this part:)
Wish you and family great health in the new year.