玩物丧志, 老年痴呆 #Jun.Z

I probably can develop some variety of personal interests so that after retirement I have a busy life. 老年痴呆 (dementia) is a growing concern for anyone planning to live a very long life.
  • [e] take part in mid-sized software projects
  • [e] teach Chinese, English, math or programming, or perhaps physics .. hopefully engaging
  • selling things online?
  • [e = engagement is a key factor, giving rise to joy or meaning]
However, day trading is not widely recommended, some would say “a problematic hobby”. I kinda agree. That is why I said your son should watch out for 玩物丧志 in day trading.
— activities after full-retirement
  • raising pets
  • keep a small garden, if retiring in the U.S. .. but I think I will retire in Singapore.
  • blogging — I have been blogging for 10+ years
  • learn some music instruments, as my mother did
  • learn some drawing, as my mom did
  • 太极拳, 武术, dancing as a team performance sport … start at some age
  • basketball, boxing, yoga