##meal replacements

For all of the meal replacements below, big question is

Q: does it feel filling enough?

My “system” receives the “satiation” signal from starch or a high amount of solid_protein. Chia and ice help provide satiation. Other fiber-rich foods don’t work.

The meal replacements below feature below 10% of the regular amount of starch, and almost no solid_protein.

— when wife was hospitalized and unable to eat most foods, she was receiving IV drips for days.
— some frail people (often old) can’t digest solid foods, so congee is the main food to keep them from hunger. It would not be filling for me.
— Taiwan 豆花 with chia
— Chendol made with rice (!) and chia
lots of ice
— smoothie with beans or rice, and chia
lots of ice
— leafy salad without starch, usually with high amount of solid_protein including tofu, mushroom, beans