- [a_numeral = actual count of occurrences , without ambiguity]
- — (risk of) injury, handicaps
- [9 G3] crossing street esp. on bike(or foot), esp. at a RED light
- [0] dangers with power drill .. In contrast, cutting mangos … is slightly less powerful
- [0] surprise “attacks” on meimei -> hitting sharp objects or losing balance
- — hurting someone’s feelings
- misspeaking to a colleague with disrespect, in an unguarded moment.. In contrast, I’m more careful when writing, and misspeaking to a vendor is less damaging.
- — other items
- [3 G3] MLP __compliance__ misstep
- [3 G3] Saliva flying to other people’s face, when I speak passionately… Mask can help
- [2] My hand accidentally touching someone’s private parts, such as hips or thigh.
Note this list of habits are not all “missteps”.