wellness∉ accumulating asset: Buy longevity

See also

In this blogpost, Key question is —

Q: For the purpose of wellness (healthy longevity), what can we do about the non-accumulation, esp. what to do using our financial assets?

more text styling welcome.

Wellness is, in many ways, truly more important than personal finance, but accumulation is elusive. I feel habits and (self-)knowledge can accumulate, but wellness condition has rather short-term accumulation.

When you have surplus spare time (or savings) … store it in batteries, like batteries for solar energy, wind energy. We have very very good batteries to store surplus cash, but for surplus spare time the batteries all decay and progressively lose stored “value” but can keep some value for X months:

  • battery: [s4] yoga .. the most disappointing, frustrating, elusive… You lose it soon after you stop practicing, like a Promethean struggle
  • .. [be] self-discovery … experiment to discover sustainable self-practice routines. What instructors said seldom worked. All yoga practices are unsustainable. My self-discovery is slightly more sustainable, but a huge battery nevertheless! Self-discovery to some extent can be baked in. Plenty of positive energy (sunshine + patience) needed to achieve any accumulation.
  • battery: [s5] diet discovery .. smoothie experiment to discover sustainable techniques
  • battery: [b s5] eg: raw-veg diet — once I experiment to develop my capacity and tolerance, it is baked in.
  • battery: BMI deep-green deep-green zone — usually short-lived i.e. fast-decay battery. Over a few years you can accumulate a deep-green condition, but it can be depleted within a few months. At that time, you need the bao3shan1 battle
  • battery:  endurance — I now run more than 10km every week. After I slow down, I am confident I can pick up again. The accu is /baked-in/.
  • battery: swim — the techniques takes years of practice. Techniques improve efficiency and endurance. The accu is /baked-in/.
  • battery: Wellness habits …
  • battery: [e s3] personal research and experiments on diet + fitness — every weight-loser must experiment to find what work for “me”. Ditto anyone hoping to maintain more than 3 workouts a week.
  • .. For the research and insights, some dram-refresh needed
  • battery: [s1] piano … not directly “restores” wellness, but can enhance wellness like sex does.
  • battery: [s2] karma. more good deeds

Biggest batteries: localSys and IV learning:

  1. These batteries “warehouse” spare ammunition for the upcoming battles. These batteries maintain (if not store) competitive energy. Those battles have profound impact on long-term wellness
  2. These batteries protect livelihood, and protect against the heaviest and most persistent stressors.

— [s4] fitness goods and services, better nutrition. Some call these “investment” but I reject this notion.
— [s5] migrate .. to locations with better healthcare infra. Many financially wealthy families choose to live in healthy locations:

  1. better healthcare infra
  2. shorter commute to free up leisureTime 
  3. better weather, highly sought after by retirees. Extreme weather as a health hazard probably shortens life expectancy.
  4. workout facilities
  5. better air quality
  6. more sight-seeing places nearby, to encourage more outdoor activity

— [s3] lower paying job… MMM believes that the successful career individuals should really let go, and enjoy leisureTime. The OC-effective manager peers probably live with inferior work-life balance.

  • have less leisureTime for workout,
  • have worse nutrition balance, often having meals in meetings or at desk,
  • They also have higher responsibilities/stress .. always on the ball, and always seeking delegates/deputies capable of 独当一面.
  • .. These OC-effective managers are always benchmarked against a high bar for organizational effectiveness. Remember
    • Youwei, who worked hard as a team lead in MS
    • I worked hard to fill in the big shoes of the Macq leadership role but couldn’t clear the bar

On cash-flow high ground, I can afford to accept lower-paying jobs.

— [s4] leisureTime .. can be “bought” by financial means
for the vast majority of the world population, as a rule of thumb leisureTime is a prerequisite for active lifestyle with a Planned diet. As an exception to prove the rule, some highly effective role models can pack daily workout into a busy lifestyle, and avoid buying unhealthy foods, but they are a distinct minority in all populations.

Many financially wealthy individuals spend more leisureTime on wellness including

  • workout 5+ times a week, a critical mass
  • .. coach their kids to do the same
  • cook healthy food at home
  • .. coach their kids to do the same
  • meditation (including breathing) + slow workout
  • dancing

Commute eats into leisureTime that is otherwise usable on health activities such as cooking, family time. I think train commute is good if I can always sit. I hate driving for commute. Therefore, I feel those WallSt guys who waste 3H a day on commute is paying too much a price for a marginal gain in salary.

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