- for LDL reduction, soluble fiber is more effective than insoluble fiber
- vegetable oil.. could be blend oil. Consider sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil
- Vit K2 for decalcification? Not good with Plavix
- transfat is present in ham, beacon, and many commercial (esp. deep-fried) foods
— meal pattern/timing
- intermittent fasting .. not recommended for my gastritis and my prediabetes “concern”
- What if I feel an empty stomach but no real discomfort?
- .. A: you have ignored it for decades. It may or may not mean acid
- cereal + congee .. good for breakfast, or even after dinner
- hungry after a full dinner .. warm, convenient fluid[milo, soups]. Avoid continuous snacking
- 2 bowels of fruits+milk in office? delay to 4pm, and split into two snacks.
Continuous snacking after dinner is worse than 3/4/5 afternoon snacks in office.
— specfic food items
- whole milk .. contains saturated fats and can affect my gastritis.
- watermelon .. fructose? Reduce if you worry about t2dm
- sweet rockmelon .. too much sugar? A: similar to watermelon
- purple grape and juice … antioxidant helps anti-clott? but high sugar? Eat in moderation.
- cheese .. Try reduced fat cheese. No cheese stick please.
- avocado .. heart-healthy but fatty? up to 3 avocados/week is safe (safer than animal fats or nuts), but can affect BMI
- .. my avocado smoothie .. fine if without the condensed milk. Additionally, consider alternatives to whole milk
- 3 yolks/week including century egg yolks
- beef is more (fatty) unhealthy than white meat? A: Red meat (incl. pork).. limit to 3 times/week
- sliced fish noodle soup .. is low-calorie if without the evaporated milk
— 24 Sep 2024 ..我今天第四次约见我的营养师。她记得我有冠心病,轻度胃炎,也顾虑血糖和血压。
蛋白质 — 她建议微调,多摄入各种蛋白质。肉、鱼、鸡蛋白之外,豆腐,乳制品也提供蛋白质。她说蛋白质有助于增加或维持肌肉。
体重 — 她记录了 2023 年8月至今4次体重,维持在64-67 公斤。她说很难得,尤其是最近半年瘦身。
她问了我每周运动项目,略表惊讶。她特别询问 有阻力运动 (resistance training),因为她一直提醒我,上年纪容易肌肉萎缩。我提到爬楼梯,蹲起,引体向上。她认为很有意义。