I,IV,V: 3-chord songs

A piece almost always has single root note, though some pieces start with one root note and ends in another root note.

Mr Pacholo said for each of the 12 root notes, we mostly need the 3 primary chords:

  • Chord-I (the first major chord or the root chord),
  • Chord-IV (4th major chord), and
  • Chord-V (the 5th major chord).
  • .. Mr Pacholo said if Key-IV is not suitable, then try Key-II and Key-VI. Note we are talking about single-fingers, not chords.
  • A #4 common chord is Chord-vi (the 6th minor chord)

Q: Why the I, IV, and V are so common and popular? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-chord_song.
A: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/music-theory/four-chords-every-pop-song/ explains that on the circle of 5th,

  • chord-V is one hop from chord-I, clock wise,
  • chord-IV is one hop from chord-I, anti-clockwise
  • chord-vi is the minor reflection of chord-I
  • For example, if a song is based on the C, then C major (chord-I), G major (chord-V), F major (chord-IV) and A minor (chord-vi) are all consonant with C.

Each major chord can have inverted positions. This is the last flexibility, useful in practice…

Q: what’s the level of impact when inverting a chord?

I think simple songs tend to have the simple root notes like C, G.