Same enticing food is always easier to manage if outside home. As I told boy…
- when I face a wrong-* temptation outside home, I only need to say NO once. There’s no wrong-qty temptation. The high price tag is on my side.
- when I face a wrong-* temptation at home, I need to say NO over and over. There’s less wrong-food temptation. The ‘soon-to-be-discarded’ SMS is an enemy.
- office free food?
Q: Why is home context so tough?
A: In a commercial place, every additional food requires payment. Built-in portion control and speed bump. Mindful consumption. In contrast, Home food is mindless eating by default. So we have to exercise self-constraint which is tough for most of us.
A: too many varieties of enticing foods at home
A: more unexpected stress events at home. By contrast, in office, any work stress tend to be expected and well-contained.
A: I think unexpected enticing foods might be one of the G7 key factors.
In this concrete experience, the same enticing foods [claypot rice] was more manageable in office. I always bring the most disruptive (not exactly “harmful” [1]) foods to office like
- cakes
- brownie
- ice cream
- chocolates
- fried rice, fried noodles
[1] Rember .. home-cooked food, enticing foods like starch..≠opium .
— In Bayonne,
- There’s no cooked food at home.
- there’s less budget street food as in Toa Payoh. There are American fast food such as pizza and ice cream but they are costiler, less available and fewer varieties.
Therefore, in Bayonne, the wrong-time temptation was easier to handle.