##[16]biggest recurring time wasters #Bishan

New list for my solo months in Bayonne:

  • checking credit scores, bank accounts etc
  • slimming — shopping + cooking + blogging
  • gym
  • overspend on blogging? No. This accusation is unfounded and witch-hunt
  • laundry

(There’s enormous value in statistics even in a casual statistical look, not using any data)

  1. –[2016] ranked in terms of total time wasted per year
  2. [f=D] commute without an engaging /read/ (noun, just like “think”)
  3. [f=ww] investment – was 3h/week during OC/Stirt.
  4. [f=w] shopping (including ikea), esp. returning merchandise

[f=w] TV including Phoenix
commute to gym/library + shopping afterwards
[f=m] shopping or playground time after a movie/lesson/meal. I tend to get nothing out of the 30 min or whatever.
[f=m] lunch meet up with friends?
[f=w] outing with boy — no measurable benefits like knowledge
** but outing between ANY parent and ANY kid seldom has ANY measurable benefit.
[f=m] family outing? I feel huge time wasted on the commute
[f=w] bring kids to playground. Sometimes I do get 5 to 20 minutes of exercise, to be more tilted towards flexibility training.

[f=frequency. d=daily, ww=avg twice weekly]