copy-paste: vi,git-bash,conEmu,

It’s crucial to identify all the (hidden) software layers that could intercept mouse/keyboard inputs. These layers include conEmu, putty, git-bash.. I think the vi software may react strangely to mouse/keyboard actions.

This bpost is mostly about paste. (Copying is much easier.)

— git-bash alone .. adds two configurable methods to paste.

1. RightClick to paste, thanks to git-bash config. Can be non-intuitive to some, but easy to discover, and easy to learn.
However, vi can block it, and conEmu can block it, so both need config change!

2. shift-insert is a git-bash config hotkey for paste. Worth learning.

— git-bash } vi …. [git commit msg is a usage]
rightClick fixed, thanks to qq[ set mouse=r ] in vi config
shiftInsert good

— conEmu } git-bash } vi ..
shiftInsert good
rightClick good, after removing tweaking conEmu config: -> “Exceptions: far|vim” -> remove vim

— conEmu } git-bash .. rightClick good; shiftInsert good

— conEmu } linux bash ..
rightClick good;
shiftInsert good, thanks to conEmu config
— conEmu } linux bash } vi .. rightClick good, shiftInsert good