In the “open” blog, I will maintain multiple tags related to overthink as the oth risk is highest and more visible in this blog than recrec or tanbinvest blogs
The overspend grows with the blog volume.
— These 3 tags all cover tcost of blogging esp. overthink, over-analysis.
- overspenT — overall tcost Already overspent, including fine-tuning, critical reviews, dram refresh…
- tcost@DramRefresh — specifically about dram refresh.
- … Some of these blogposts have vague titles instead of unique, original content. Consider deletion. Apply t_fuxiTitle
- othRisk — Risk…. NOT a recorded incident.
- …. Some othRisk items also have t_fuxi and t_fuxiTitle
See the tag descriptions.
Blog posts in the “log” and “effi” categories are prone to overthink.
— Soul-search and historical reviews
Similarly, most of my t_tectonic/T_defense blogposts are big, sweeping commentaries, not addressing an immediate question/decision.
They tend to get vague titles + too much dram refresh.
Each blogpost often starts with a seed and builds up incrementally. So it can take a lot of laser focus, care and feeding.
In a way, this is similar to the challenge faced by a creative writer (BoRong?)
— eg: bedbug blogposts: I spent hours reviewing bedbug lessons in my blog, years after the traumatic experience. This deep review is crucial. Similarly, After the SARS outbreak and the Asian financial crisis, Singapore government had serios reviews.