Many fellow students in my own secondary school didn’t even aim for 100 marks. They were happy with occasional 90 marks (usually they would get 80+ marks). I vaguely remember my sister might be one of them. I think my son at age 7 is just like that. Perhaps 100% is too hard in his mind. Perfection, precision … are alien to him?
Looking at the big picture, I should not lose confidence in my son or consider him a failure. I look at myself. Many people (like grandpa and Liu Shuo) practice detailed daily planning and it served them well for many years. Somehow I couldn’t implement daily plans like “Do X by this morning, or if really unable then delay by a day.” When I tried, my daily plans fail most of the time. I think my self-employed days were the one of many times I tried. Monthly plan may work better for me.
Nevertheless, I still think I have pretty good self-management.
Likewise, lack of determination to achieve 100% is not such a serious weakness.