home wiring: tangle,

k_X_focusing_illusion  k_soul_search

Reality — too many “priorities”:

  • minimize (“eliminate” is too tough) having power points behind furniture
  • reduce tangles on the ground
  • avoid relying on wifi
  • reduce concentration of too many wires in one location
  • prefer to run long wires along ceiling, not on the floor
  • position router for maximum coverage
  • minimize $cost
  • favor fixed power points instead of power extensions … I feel we better accept it over short distances

— common solutions:

A top-2 (perhaps #1) flexible_solution is adding (removing when necessary) fixed power points by running wires along the ceiling. Ugly, but I never bothered.

A much cheaper flexible_solution uses long extension bars. I can often tie it to a furniture. I think wife doesn’t mind unless it is in living room.

— #1 hotspot is the spot around modem/router/TV

In #1173 I split them into two hotspots, linked by the RJ45 cable

  • TV; soundbar; set-top box; radio (no longer needed)
  • modem; router; powerlineNW; cordless

#2 hotspot is cockpit 1 [A95; printer; lamp; charger; desk phone]

#3 hotspot is cockpit 2 [HP71; printer; lamp, fan, wall lamp]

— accept imperfections
Given the conflicting priorities, we must compromise and accept major imperfections. Those imperfections may feel like sand in the eye, or food stuck between teeth, but over time, we can and will get used to them… serenity, not passiveAcceptance. To be celebrated, not ashamed of.

Even if we achieve some near-optimal set-up for a while, some derailers or black holes might emerge.

— focusing effect .. The more we try to optimize, the more we feel wire organization is so extremely important. If we live with the “mess” for a while, we realize it’s not so important.

— Aha: case study: server rooms treat wiring as a real priority.
There are standard practices. Huge space is allocated in the ceiling and beneath the floor. The rectangular machines take up perhaps 10% of the rack space and wiring takes up 5 times more rackspace.

To a lesser extent, modern office design also runs wires beneath the floor, and above the ceiling (for lighting, wifi etc)