Told Dabao many stories
managed to get a good long haul seat
Didn’t fall sick
Didn’t forget food in the baggage
motivated to read c++ and java tuning for quite a while on plane.
Set up new laptop, with printer, …
Found excellent solution to the msoffice issue
Found good solution with the broken toshiba.
Found Solution for the real challenge of photo backup.
researched and found a good portable AC
Fixed printer without cost.
Staying vegie most of the time.
Had many long conversations with Grandma/grandpa
Found a good value suitcase. Struggled and overcame the broken suitcase wheel.
10-hr Fasting and successful cholesterol test
— small ripples, but by a brave, tiny shrimp
Read so many stories and got dabao to sleep on Monday afternoon
fixed the iron gate.
Swimming with Grandma. Both of us showed good health.
Found solution to the AC power cable
persuaded zofia to seek nose doctor for dabao