Title is lousy. No point improving it.
I /aced / killed/ many games. Most visible and most profitable game in this list is tech IV, including
- 1a) branching out to c# and c++
- 1b) quant self-study to impress many technology interviewers
The above topic already has many many posts in my blogs. Below are other games I excelled in:
- excellent grades up to college Year 1
- Earned MSFM with flying colors at age 42 — sustained focus, self mastery
- paid off multiple rental properties + my own home, by age 43. All in good locations with reliable rental demand.
Some domains are not really competitive “games” and beyond the scope of this blogpost, but still I excelled visibly:
- no belly (as Nick pointed out); weight loss in late 2018, along with pull-up. Jogging habit.
- keeping burn rate very low, and achieving some form of ffree around age 30 and again at 43
It’s instructive to recognize the pattern.
- I think in each game, I had some talent, and a long-term consistent effort.
- External positive feedback is far from powerful , immediate or frequent, so internal motivation is crucial.
- All are individual games, not team games. Note promotion is not my game and I don’t need to kill this game to be comfortable and satisfied.