(unsophisticated)optimist #America


America, as they call it, is the land of optimism, and America also happens to have the strongest, most vibrant economy.

I now enjoy an unsophisticated optimism about my shields, about my personal attributes (rather than luck), my winning bets

Now, the optimism in these blogposts are concrete (rather than abstract), unsophisticated, often superficial, possibly naïve, but I think it is more beneficial than dangerous. These blogposts demonstrate my growing sense of simple, healthy optimism, unlike some friends like XR.

— Lee Kuan Yew, Rahul, and my dad are all optimists despite adversities

— Resilience — is the sister of optimism, even if unsophisticated.

— courage and risk-taking

Too much unsophisticated optimism leads to reckless risk taking (1997 commodity trading)

However, without optimism and courage, Singapore would be /dead in the water/.

America is another leading example.

— detach

The optimist can develop unhealthy, unrealistic attachments, and hold on too tight to something.